YouVersion 標識




The Miracle of Eliminating Hurry

I love country music. The country music band Alabama once wrote a song that summed up so much of my life. The verse said….

“Don't know why I have to drive so fast

My car has nothing to prove

It's not new

But it'll do 0 to 60 in 5.2, oh”

And the chorus was an incredible reality check for me and my driving record!

“I'm in a hurry to get things done

Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun

All I really gotta do is live and die

Even I'm in a hurry and don't know why.”

Have you ever wondered why you are in such a hurry? Normally, people are in a hurry because they simply don’t leave enough margin built into their lives. What starts as a normal day is quickly replaced with a frantic pace that leaves us gasping for air, constantly behind schedule. Does a life where you are perpetually behind schedule sound anything like this invitation from Jesus?

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. “ (Psalms 23:1-3, NIV)

I have been meditating on this passage for a while now. I invite you to a moment and read this verse again, slowly. David wrote that God will “make you lie down” unless you do it willingly! Jesus invites you to take a slow walk by a quiet stream so that your soul can be refreshed. Have you taken that walk?

How many of us see our lives more as “white water” than “quiet water”? Fast moving, turbulent, fast, dangerous? How many of us read that verse and wonder if God is lying because we haven’t experienced “quiet waters” ever?

I have been thinking about this a lot over the past few weeks. God says He will lead me beside still, quiet waters, but only I can decide whether I want to drink, sit and watch, rest, or play.

Today, Jesus, your Shepherd, wants you to intentionally slow down and embrace the margin that He has created for you.

This morning, as I drove up to Canada to write these words, I intentionally took my time. Here was the reality: The traffic was HORRIBLE, the pace was slower than expected, and it took me twice as long to get to my destination. But, by putting in some godly margin, I arrived joyful, expectant, and safe.

Let’s pray together. God, slow us down. We lack nothing in You. We want to voluntarily lay down in the quiet meadow of your peace. We long for a long walk and a deep drink of quiet water. Refresh us, Jesus, as only you can. Amen.

I invite you to embrace some new margins today. You won’t be disappointed.

You are a miracle!

Your Friend,


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Have you ever thought about what you can actually accomplish when you slow down? You and me both! I am also guilty of taking life too fast. But what could God do through you (and me!) if we just slow down to really pray and think through our next steps?
