The Promise of Christmas預覽

There may be moments when putting your faith in a God you can’t see is hard. When we get the diagnosis we didn’t expect, when the marriage we’ve been in begins to crumble, when the job ends abruptly, when any part of life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would. When things like that happen, we often begin to wonder where God is in all of it. In other words, we begin to see our faith in the God we can’t see waver.
Well, the good news is God is always at work in our lives. Our faith is built on the belief that God is who He says He is and will do all He promised to do. Even when we’re struggling to see it, God is working. And more than that, God gives us all kinds of ways to find Him in our midst. Christmas is a great reminder of just that! He’s in the lyrics of the songs we sing, the love we feel from the people around us, the generous gifts we receive, the time we celebrate Him together at church, and, of course, in the Son He sent to save us. All these things and more show us God at work around us.
This Christmas, make a list of ways you see God in your life every day!

The birth of Jesus isn’t just a great story; it’s a real event that shows us not just how God loves us but how God’s people (just like us) had to learn to trust in the face of incredibly difficult and, at times, unbelievable circumstances. We’ll be reminded of the humanity in the story and the faith it takes to believe in the promise of Christmas!