The Promise of Christmas預覽

When God created humanity, He did so with relationship and connection in mind. The plan was for us to stay in a relationship with God for all of eternity. But as you know, sin changed the plan. Just like that, we needed a new plan—a new way to turn our hearts back to God. Of course, God could’ve done all kinds of things to help turn our hearts back toward good. God could’ve taken any path to bring peace and give us a chance to have a relationship with Him again. So, what did he do? Send Jesus!
And through Jesus, God made a way for us to be close to Him once more—to be at peace and live in a relationship with God. He demonstrated His great love for us by implementing a plan that showed how far He was willing to go to restore a relationship. That’s something worth celebrating as we reflect and remember Jesus’ birth at Christmas. It’s more than just this season; it’s a path to peace with God once more.
If you know and are walking with God, thank God for making that possible in Jesus. And if you aren’t yet sure about your faith, take time to think about or talk to someone you trust about what we celebrate at Christmas and what it might mean for your life.

The birth of Jesus isn’t just a great story; it’s a real event that shows us not just how God loves us but how God’s people (just like us) had to learn to trust in the face of incredibly difficult and, at times, unbelievable circumstances. We’ll be reminded of the humanity in the story and the faith it takes to believe in the promise of Christmas!