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Dare to Dream預覽

Dare to Dream


An Attitude of Excellence

The mindset of a dreamer includes an attitude of excellence. You need to know the difference between your capability, your motivation, and your attitude. Capability describes your power—what you have the ability to do. Motivation is why you do what you do. And attitude has everything to do with how well you do what you do.

What defines an attitude of excellence? An attitude of excellence is always thinking about what you have to do to get where you want to go. It’s not stuck on what offense happened this morning or the bad night’s sleep you had last night. 

Consider Joseph again. He did not allow his circumstances to define him. Through excellence, he changed his circumstances. Joseph had a dream he was going to rule. But before God gave him authority to rule over others, he first had to rule over himself. Think about it. Why would God allow you to lead others if you can’t lead yourself? Why would God bring your dream to fulfillment if you can’t handle it yet? The first person to ever sit in submission to Joseph was Joseph. And it was there that he practiced an attitude of excellence.

In addition to always thinking about where you’re headed, an attitude of excellence always perseveres. Struggle is ever before us, but an attitude of excellence believes that God has a better tomorrow in your future. This was the attitude Paul wrote about in today’s scripture, Philippians 3:13. 

Paul was reaching forward to a goal—the goal of a divine dream that God planted in his heart. Paul made up his mind that no matter what it took, he was going to press through the pain of his past, he was going to press through the trials of today, he was going to press through the rejection of others, he was going to press through the feats he was facing—he was going to persevere through it all with an attitude of excellence because God had something better for him.

Today's Blessing:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Refuse to let your current circumstances destroy your divine dream. An attitude of excellence doesn’t worry about what you are not or what you cannot do. Don’t allow circumstances to define you. Through excellence, change your circumstances. You can do this, child of God!

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Dare to Dream

In a world of hardships, God still has a wonderful plan for your life. He is not overwhelmed by the days in which we live, nor is He bothered by any predictions of difficulty that lie ahead. God is waiting to hear from His children, hoping we have enough boldness to ask Him to make our dream a reality.
