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Dare to Dream


Do We Dare To Dream?

No one ever enjoys the feeling of disappointment. The emotional weight makes it difficult to even breathe at times. We certainly will do our best to camouflage it. We smile and say, “It’s no big deal.” We brush it off with the statement, “I totally understand.” But no matter who you are, no matter where you encounter it, the truth is no one likes to be disappointed. 

I can recall moments in my childhood when circumstances outside of my parents’ control would interrupt our plans. Maybe dad had planned a fishing or hunting trip—two of my favorite things—and then a member of the church would pass away. Because of my dad’s commitment to his role as pastor, he would have to reschedule our trip. I would say that I understood, but the weight of my disappointment was easy to see. Little did I know then how much it hurt him to see me disappointed. The only thing I could see from my perspective was we weren’t going fishing when we planned to. It wasn’t until years later, when I saw that same look in the eyes of my own children, that I understood how painful it is to disappoint someone you truly love.

Our Heavenly Father, in His perfection, is the same way. He desires to give us the very best. He loves us so much that He doesn’t desire to see us disappointed either. The marvelous difference between God the Father and earthly fathers is God is in control. He’s in control of all things great and small, and He made us this promise: all things, the pleasant and the unpleasant, the planned and the surprising, He will use them all for our good and for His glory if we are willing to remain faithful to His calling and purpose in our lives. 

God loves when His children dare to dream because it shows great faith. When we trust in His promises more than the world around us, when we believe our heart’s desire will come to pass rather than settling for less, when we dare to dream that God will fulfill His purposes in our lives, we are declaring to this world that our God is good and that our God is able.

Do we dare to dream? I say, with a God like our God, what do we have to lose?

Today's Blessing:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. In a world of hardships, God still has a wonderful plan for your life. He is not overwhelmed by the days in which we live, nor is He bothered by any predictions of difficulty that lie ahead. God is waiting to hear from His children, hoping we have enough boldness to ask Him to make our dream a reality. God didn’t bring you this far to let you down. Amen and amen.

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Dare to Dream

In a world of hardships, God still has a wonderful plan for your life. He is not overwhelmed by the days in which we live, nor is He bothered by any predictions of difficulty that lie ahead. God is waiting to hear from His children, hoping we have enough boldness to ask Him to make our dream a reality.
