Earlier in this Bible Plan, we talked about how sin and temptation got their start when mankind first looked beyond God for satisfaction. At that point, we became obligated to pay back the cost of sin, which is death. Then God decided we were worth His only Son, Jesus. So, Jesus took on our debt of sin through separation from His Father, torture, and death. He made us a way out. The best news is that Jesus not only took on our obligations, but He also overcame them and came back to life three days later. His resurrection leaves no argument against His power over sin.
Thanks to Jesus, we are no longer obligated to anger, apathy, overeating, alcoholism, porn, or money. However, we may not be experiencing that reality in our lives. First, we must admit that our struggle is real and too great to overcome alone. Then, we must believe in the power of what Jesus has already done and what the Spirit is prepared to do in our lives. In the words of John the Baptist, “He must become greater; I must become less.”
Fill in the blank: Spend time each day listening for the Holy Spirit this week. Write down everything you sense the Holy Spirit telling you to do.
你是否覺得自己陷入了一種固有的習慣? 也許你正想要將自己的羞恥藏進生命的某個黑暗角落。上帝差遣祂的獨生愛子來到世間,不是為了對付罪和死,而是要摧毀罪和死。這個由 Life.Church 提供的兩週讀經計畫,將告訴你人生的出路。
我們感謝 Life.Church 為我們提供的這個計畫。更多信息請瀏覽:https://www.life.church