
The Apostle Paul was like a teacher, coach, and doctor to the early Christian churches. He would educate them, inspire them, and prescribe truth to treat any spiritual sickness in the body. When he couldn’t visit, he would write a letter. 1 Corinthians is one of the letters Paul wrote to the church in Corinth. Due to its location and large population, Corinth was a melting pot for culture. Corinth became known as a place to go for sex. They even got their own Greek word—korinthiazomai translated as Corinthianize—which means to practice sex.
Doesn’t Corinth remind you of today’s temptation-filled society? As you read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and the rest of this Bible Plan, do you need to listen as a student who’s learning how to apply a new idea? Perhaps you’re in need of a coach to inspire you to press through and win a battle. Or maybe you’re unhealthy and in need of a doctor. Whichever is true for you, God’s words through Paul are clear and applicable today: there is always a way out.
Consider: Think about your last temptation. Was there a way out? What needs to change for you to take the way out next time?
Visit http://go2.lc/awo for free "A Way Out" messages and discussion guides.

你是否覺得自己陷入了一種固有的習慣? 也許你正想要將自己的羞恥藏進生命的某個黑暗角落。上帝差遣祂的獨生愛子來到世間,不是為了對付罪和死,而是要摧毀罪和死。這個由 Life.Church 提供的兩週讀經計畫,將告訴你人生的出路。
我們感謝 Life.Church 為我們提供的這個計畫。更多信息請瀏覽:https://www.life.church