Gracious Jesus 8 - the King Commissions預覽

Fear God Alone
What is “fear of God”?
“Fearing God” has a completely different connotation as compared to fearing man. It implies we have reverence for God and get dominated by love for God as we progress in our relationship with Him.
Who causes “fear of man”?
Completely on the contrary to “fear of God”, fear of man induces stress and negative feelings. Both Matthew and Luke passages refer to the Pharisees – the fake religious leaders of God’s house as those who cause fear.
What is the equivalent today?
“Fearing God” takes us to that level when thoughts are so tuned to God that words spring from the heart and intentions become actions. “Fear of God” progresses to new levels:
· Fear God above fear of man - Matt 10:28
· Love God above fear of man - 1 John 4:10
· Love God above fear of God - 1 John 4:18
Jesus repeats the phrase “have no fear” and gives us three reasons not to fear.
He also gives us three responses when fear attacks.
1. The Gospel will be communicated. Despite all opposition, the gospel will continue to penetrate throughout the world.
Our response would be to announce the Word to the world. To speak and stand for the truth.
2. The Greatest worldly power is limited. Satan and his agents cannot touch the soul unless we let them.
Our response should be to “not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Don’t let them confine and limit you to their form of righteousness. Align with Kingdom values
3. God has you covered. We can choose the world’s cover or God’s cover.
Our response should be to accept our great worth in Him as the crown of His creation. We should then surrender to His Divine protection.
As Christ meticulously removes all reasons to fear people, especially those trying to turn us away from God’s perfect plan, we come to one conclusion - fear God alone.
Jesus concludes with the unmatchable consequences of fearing God.
Matthew 10:32: “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”
We need to acknowledge God via words and actions – from our hearts.
How can we prepare to be persecuted and pray for our persecutors? What are other unhealthy fears that drive us?
Reflect on “Perfect love casts out fear” 1 John 4:16-18

Many are called, few are commissioned. Jesus gives his followers a taste of going out to preach, teach, and heal. Going in faith, they experience amazing powers that Christ endowed them. Christ also appraises them of the discipline and sacrifice involved, with far greater rewards for service. While service is highly monetized these days, there are still the few serving in tune with their Master in Heaven. Perhaps little-known today but famous in Heaven.