Gracious Jesus 8 - the King Commissions預覽

The First Commission
When Jesus sends out his disciples the first time to heal and preach, there are around 72 sent with great power and authority over sickness and Satan. This is often known as the First Commission.
As Christ’s disciples, we have great power and authority, not necessarily in a physical sense, but in a spiritual capacity.
Characteristics and requirements of The First Commission
Christ had many disciples, though the twelve were in His inner circle.
The disciples are:
· Groomed by God – Even today, we learn directly from Jesus how to imitate and serve Him.
· Granted authority – The disciples had power over sickness, evil spirits, and even death. Their calling reflects the Jesus, the Messiah’s call. These were to demonstrate to us the powers we have primarily in the most important spiritual realm.
· Given freely in order that they freely give - Our spiritual gifts are to be used only to serve others as Christ served us. People like Balaam and Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, flouted this principle and faced the consequences.
Communication Theme
The message of the disciples was to be: “The Kingdom of heaven is near” - Matthew 10:7. The glorious message we have today is “The Kingdom of heaven is here.” We are already a part of it.
Contrast with the Great Commission
The First Commission differs from the Great Commission in the following ways:
Communication theme: Kingdom of heaven is near versus here.
Complete focus – up to Christ’s coming and even during His tenure on earth, the focus was on Jews, the chosen nation. Today, it is the church across the world.
Comprehensive authority: The then disciples had great powers to perform miracles. This was at a different level. Today, every believer has spiritual gifts to be used as a team to serve Christ and impact people’s spiritual lives.
Common Principles
The common principles applicable to all of us are that:
· Only Jesus calls and commissions us – this is our highest calling
· Never use spiritual gifts for material gain
· The goal is spiritual birth, health, and growth
· The best investment may not yield results. Move on.
· Have a focus
· Respect God-given authority – human authority is different from God’s authority. We need to discern God’s work through His people in our lives and respect it.
How can we ensure we remain true in all aspects as a model disciple? What encourages us from the passage?

Many are called, few are commissioned. Jesus gives his followers a taste of going out to preach, teach, and heal. Going in faith, they experience amazing powers that Christ endowed them. Christ also appraises them of the discipline and sacrifice involved, with far greater rewards for service. While service is highly monetized these days, there are still the few serving in tune with their Master in Heaven. Perhaps little-known today but famous in Heaven.