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Home for Christmas

25 天中的第 5 天

Thursday (Day 5)

VERSES: Isaiah 7:10-16 & Matthew 1:18-25

Seven hundred years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, His conception was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14. This verse from Isaiah is referenced in Matthew1:23 as being fulfilled at the birth of Jesus.

This prophecy would have a DOUBLE fulfillment. It came true TWICE. At least in a sense.

In Isaiah 7, the King of Judah, Ahaz, has turned to the hated Assyrians to find protection against two other warring kings intent on Judah’s conquest. Rather than trusting in God alone, Ahaz was trusting in men (the Assyrians).

In Isaiah 7:10-11, God speaks to Ahaz and dares him to trust in God alone for deliverance. God says to Ahaz in 7:10-11 (paraphrasing), “Try me! Try trusting in Me alone and see what I can do for you! I will deliver you and to prove it, pick a sign and I will make it come true to show you I will deliver you as promised.”

Ahaz fails to answer, so God responds in 7:13-16 and says, “I will pick the sign for you. Right now, there is a virgin in Israel who will soon be married. She will get married and have a child by natural means who will be named Immanuel. Before he is weaned and eating solid foods, the kings you fear will fall and you will be safe from their threat.” God was saying, within a few short years, I will deliver you without the help of the Assyrians. This prophecy was given in 735 BC … and God indeed delivered on this promise with the deaths of the rival kings by 732 BC!

So, the first fulfillment of Isaiah 7 was almost immediate … but in Matthew 1:23, the prophecy is shown to have a second fulfillment; indeed, a BETTER ONE. Through miraculous means and supernatural power, Mary conceives of a child without physical contact with a man. The Holy Spirit comes upon her and the virgin gives birth to a son - Jesus, the Son of God. This miraculous birth is a sign of the supernatural deliverance that God would provide - not from enemy armies, but from sin and death.

This prophecy dares us to trust in God alone for our salvation. Are you trusting in yourself, your family, or your friends for your salvation, or are you trusting in God alone? He is worthy of our trust!

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Home for Christmas

“I’ll be home for Christmas” is a popular Christmas song. But where is our Christmas home? This 25 day Christmas reading plan is designed to provide a daily Bible reading for each day of December leading up to Christmas Day. We will see the significance of Bethlehem, reflect on Mary in Elizabeth’s home, meditate on the manger, and hear Jesus' invitation for us to come home to Him.
