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Home for Christmas

25 天中的第 25 天

Wednesday (Day 25)

VERSES: Hebrews 11:13-16, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, & John 14:1-6

In this reading plan, we have walked through the theme “Home for Christmas.” The first seven days looked at the hometown of Jesus’ birth, Bethlehem. The second seven days looked at the events in and around the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth in the days when Mary was pregnant with Jesus. The third set of seven days looked at the humble home of Jesus on that first Christmas night, a manger. And finally, the past three days looked at how God leads us home to Him, so that He might shine His light into our lives.

In today’s reading, we conclude our study by asking a bigger question, “Where is our true home?” Years ago, my grandmother was struggling with dementia and would often call our house confused and ask to go “home.” Problem was, she could not identify where home was. Time and disease had sadly confused her.

Where is your home? Many of us have lived in many different houses and in many different towns. As I write this, I am 51 years old and have lived in 13 different houses/apartments in 7 different cities. I spent all of my “growing up years” in one location, but have spent nearly 30 years in another. So which of these places is “home”?

Followers of Jesus, we actually share a home. Our home is not on this earth, but is in heaven. Our primary identity is not bound by this world, but by the God who made it. God has promised us an everlasting home, peace on the earth, and an environment where every need is met and every tear is dried. And yet, we live in a world where homes break down, nations war, and many tears are cried. Are God’s promises for real? Yes, they are! However, not all of them will be fulfilled in this life. When we arrive in our heavenly home, and when God creates the new heaven and the new earth described in Revelation 21-22, then all His promises will come true. We can count on it.

Our citizenship is in His city, so let us live today in light of who we really are, and the values of our “homeland.” One day, we will see Jesus face to face and give an account for our lives. May we follow Him home, expectant for that day.



Home for Christmas

“I’ll be home for Christmas” is a popular Christmas song. But where is our Christmas home? This 25 day Christmas reading plan is designed to provide a daily Bible reading for each day of December leading up to Christmas Day. We will see the significance of Bethlehem, reflect on Mary in Elizabeth’s home, meditate on the manger, and hear Jesus' invitation for us to come home to Him.
