ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)預覽

ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)

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Priscilla and Aquila.

Aquila and Priscilla.

It’s no mistake that this couple’s names were interchangeable.

In fact, Priscilla’s name comes before Aquila’s four out of six times, which was a direct inverse of typical power dynamics in the first century.

Priscilla and Aquila are an early Church example of true partnership. They show men and women working together for the Gospel, teaching each other, leading each other, and submitting to each other. Not only do we see women participating in all the spiritual gifts the Spirit poured out, but we also see men submitting their theology to women like Priscilla. Priscilla was an apostle, providing oversight to a network of house churches. She was a gifted teacher, instructing her fellow male leaders in theology. Priscilla was a pastor, providing shepherding to the church she led. This was radically redemptive in a time when Jewish women were not allowed to be rabbis or even study the Torah with men.

Priscilla and Aquila’s partnership demonstrates God’s intention for humanity: women and men who are called to partner in all areas of life, honor one another, and serve one another in love.

What does this mean for us today?

We are called to partner with each other, not power over one another.

Priscilla reminds us that we don't need to hustle for power or place when our position is in Christ Jesus—neither men nor women get their value from being “in charge." Our position is in Jesus, and the position Jesus takes is described in Philippians 2:5-7.

“You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
Though he was God, He did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.”

Dear friend, you are not defined by your place on the ladder of power.

Perhaps you’ve been oppressed, harassed, or abused by systems or people of power. This is not God’s plan. God’s will for every human being is to flourish, to thrive, to be empowered to live fully with dignity.

On the other hand, maybe you’ve been put on a pedestal, and the culture of your company, or the expectations of your family, or the story society has told is that you need to have it all together, have all the answers, be strong all the time, that you only matter if you’re the master, that you are only worth loving if you are winning.

God doesn’t love you because you’re useful.

God loves you because you’re you.

May you be empowered with the knowledge that regardless of where this world positions you, the Holy Spirit gifts you; Jesus, the Son, frees you; and God, your Creator, designed you to carry His divine image.

Prayer & Meditation

Think of a situation where someone used their power to put you or others down. Perhaps you’re in a position of authority, and if you’re honest, that’s the source of your identity and worth.

As you meditate on the picture of Priscilla, allow yourself to dream what a healthy partnership could look like in your life—with your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, and your church. Let God show you where you’re holding onto positions too tightly. As you seek His forgiveness, ask Him for opportunities to elevate others as you stand firm in the truth that your identity isn’t in your position but in being God’s child.

Written by Jess Basson

Photo Credit: "Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus Grand Theater,"

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ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)

If you’ve ever felt unseen or unimportant and struggled to see how you could make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom, this is the plan for you! We know the significance of famous women in the Bible, such as Mary, Ruth, and Esther. But what about the unsung and even unnamed women in the Bible, like Jael, Tabitha, and the Canaanite woman? In part one of this plan, discover the lasting impact of ten changemakers. Their stories remind and encourage us that God sees, values, and has a divine purpose for his daughters.
