ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)預覽

ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)

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Jael is one of the most surprising and bold figures in the Bible. Her story takes place in Judges 4–5 during a time when King Jabin of Canaan oppressed the Israelites. His army commander, Sisera, was a ruthless man, and his reign of terror had Israel living in fear. When God raised up the prophetess Deborah to lead Israel, she called for a battle to free them from oppression. But the victory didn’t come through a warrior on the battlefield—it came through an unexpected hero: Jael, an unsung woman.

Fleeing from a defeat on the battlefield, Sisera sought refuge in Jael’s tent, believing it was a safe place to hide. Jael welcomed him in, gave him milk, and promised rest. But while Sisera slept, Jael took a tent peg and drove it through his temple, ending his life and the reign of terror he represented.

Jael’s act was more than just a single victory; it was a moment that changed the course of history for Israel. Deborah herself sang a song of victory in Judges 5, praising Jael as "most blessed of women." She was no ordinary woman. Jael understood that the fight against injustice required courage, even if it meant stepping into an unexpected or uncomfortable role. What a lesson for us all.

Jael’s story teaches us that sometimes, we’re called to face challenges head-on, even when we least expect it. She didn’t wait for someone else to act; she saw an opportunity and bravely took it. Jael wasn’t a soldier, but her actions helped bring peace to Israel.

This reminds us that change doesn’t always come through those with titles or positions of power. Each of us, in our own spaces, has the ability to make a difference. Her story also shows us that one woman’s battle is every woman’s battle.

Jael’s boldness didn’t just protect her own family. It delivered an entire nation. When we face our own challenges today—whether in our communities, workplaces, or homes—Jael’s example calls us to be courageous, knowing that our actions can ripple out and bring freedom and justice to others.

Prayer & Meditation

"Most blessed of women be Jael... Most blessed of tent-dwelling women." – Judges 5:24

Jael reminds us that we are all capable of being changemakers. We don’t need perfect circumstances or credentials—just a willingness to act in the face of injustice. As you meditate on the picture of Jael, imagine the bravery and courage it took for her to do the unthinkable for the safety of her people. While you probably won’t ever have to go to the same extremes as Jael, ask God where He is calling you to be courageous, to step out of your comfort zone, to link arms with another person in their battle against injustice.

Written by Cheryl Nembhard

Photo Credit: Ladies Draw Neigh website

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ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)

If you’ve ever felt unseen or unimportant and struggled to see how you could make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom, this is the plan for you! We know the significance of famous women in the Bible, such as Mary, Ruth, and Esther. But what about the unsung and even unnamed women in the Bible, like Jael, Tabitha, and the Canaanite woman? In part one of this plan, discover the lasting impact of ten changemakers. Their stories remind and encourage us that God sees, values, and has a divine purpose for his daughters.
