Fast Food Faith預覽

As we wrap up week 1 of this Bible study, take time today to pray that God would convict you of anything that is preventing you from living a slow, intentional life of endurance. This week is setting the table for the rest of the Bible study so it’s imperative you deal with those barriers now rather than later.
As you close out your prayer, pray out loud Ephesians 3:14-21. It may feel awkward, but do so on your hands and knees in a private space. Paul is praying for the church in Ephesus in this passage, but as you pray this out loud, pray it over yourself.

Why does America like fast food? Because it’s quick, convenient, and tastes amazing. But when we view our faith through that lens, we become spiritually out of shape consumers who end up living a faith dependent on speed, convenience, and hyper-palatability. But God’s desire for us in life is to slow down and live lives of intentional discipleship; to develop lasting faith in a fast culture.