Prayers From the Bible Part 1預覽

Aaron's prayer
Wow. Where did that come from? This prayer and blessing has become one of the best-known affirmations within Christian communities. It is such an uplifting, enriching call to the Almighty to provide you or me with the wonderful peace, grace, security, and blessing that only God can give.
Ever notice where it first showed up? About one year into the ‘wilderness wandering’ following their exodus from slavery, God’s people were being organised and instructed. Read all about it in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Among the duties, rituals, and vows, Numbers chapter 6 ends with the Lord God succinctly explaining how Moses’ brother Aaron and his sons can bless the Israelites. They were the first Levitical priests (from the Israelite tribe of Levi) tasked with God’s people’s spiritual leadership.
Notable for many reasons, including how it just seems to pop up out of nowhere, this blessing is totally anchored in the identity and essence of the Lord. As God explains at the end of this enriching prayer: ‘In this way they will pronounce My name over the Israelites, and I will bless them’ (Numbers 6:27 HCSB).
Deeply, intimately knowing God is another way of describing what it is to proclaim God’s name. That’s the place where blessing flows from. Rather than having to beg or plead with God, this prayer calls us to truly seek God first and then prepare for the blessings He offers.

If you’ve read the Bible stories of people such as Aaron, Moses, and Hannah, you will know they had seasons of waiting on God and trusting Him. Follow along with this plan to gain insight into how these people, who God chose, prayed! How they kept their eyes on Him and had faith that He would come through as He had promised.