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A Diva’s Driving Force
Deborah was a judge of Israel at a time when the country was being oppressed by the Canaanites. As a prophetess, she was able to perceive the purposes of God and declare them to others. She used this gift to lead her people to victory. By encouraging Barak, the commander-in-chief, to go to war against the enemies of Israel, she shook the yoke of fear off of the people.
Because of her position and ability to influence others, she could have sought glory for herself or made demands of the people to further her agenda. Instead, she sought the heart of God and encouraged her charges to do His will. In the end, everyone played a part in the victory. Deborah was able to graciously give credit where it was due and celebrate the victory of others without lifting herself up.
Her close relationship with God and the ability to hear His voice, coupled with her submission to His direction, made her an effective leader of the people and one who was able to remain humble. Her burden for the freedom of her people overrode any desire for personal glory.
And when Barak, the leader of the army, refused to go into battle without her, she agreed to go with him. Deborah did not berate Barak and ask him, “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you do that by yourself? You are a man, aren’t you? Do I have to do everything?” This would be very undiva-like conversation.
Deborah had a kingdom view of life. She saw the big picture. It wasn’t about her. It was about the greater good for all. Not only did she recognize the gifts in others, she saw their power and importance in the greater scheme of life.
She reminded Barak of his purpose in life and then got him going. She didn’t sit back and take for granted that he could take it from there—no, she let him know she had his back all the way. In true diva fashion, she was fearless and extravagant with her support.
Dear heavenly Father, make me an instrument of inspiration and blessing to others. As I empower others to fulfill their purpose, empower me to walk in the fullness of what You have created me to do and be. Amen.

Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly learned about herself. Michelle McKinney Hammond shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.