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Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude

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The Power of a Diva

Lydia was the wealthy owner of a business that traded exotic purple dye and fabrics at Philippi, a bustling trade route in a Roman colony. She was a woman of prayer who, upon meeting Paul, received further instruction in the ways of the Lord, was baptized, and then opened her home to Paul and his missionaries.

Lydia’s prominence and profitable trade could have pulled her in the same direction as other successful women of her day, who used their economic power and influence to further their social and political ambitions. Lydia rejected the idols they worshipped to bring prosperity to their businesses and wasn’t involved in their cliques. Instead, she turned her attention toward God and helping His people.

She dared to walk against the flow of the society she lived in and pursued her spiritual agenda. She discerned the true purpose of her wealth and holdings and gave her best back to God and His people. After being baptized by Paul, she knew this was just the beginning of God’s plan for her life, and she embraced her destiny.

We all crave power. Perhaps it is part of our spiritual makeup because our heavenly Daddy is all-powerful. God desires for us to have it too. He gives us the power to gain wealth. However, He expects us to be wise stewards of what He gives us.

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in all the trimmings. It seems the capacity to gain great wealth only ignites the passion to reach for even more. It becomes a vicious cycle. All the while, God had a completely different idea in mind when He handed us all that success. He meant for us to have more so we could help others. Using the resources we have been blessed with to bless others leads to more earthly blessings as well as heavenly ones.


Dear heavenly Father, help me to keep You first in the midst of all that I strive to do and achieve. May I be ever mindful of Your voice and Your leading. And when the affairs of the world beckon too loudly, lead me back to the quiet place where I can hear You once again. Show me those who need the help that I can give and help me to give without reserve. Amen.

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Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude

Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly learned about herself. Michelle McKinney Hammond shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.
