7 Days With the Sword and the Spirit預覽

Comfort for the Journey
No one escapes this life unscathed. No one sails through without a storm. We all pick up our share of scars and sad stories on the journey. For every mountaintop we experience, this world seems ready to push us headlong into a jagged valley. It’s no wonder Solomon could examine the human condition from nearly every angle and conclude it’s all meaningless.
There will be some who want to sugarcoat things, those who want to push back and say, “It’s not all that bad.” Truthfully, those folks would be right. We can find plenty of delight here under the sun. Indeed, God created a “very good” world. But when it comes to the happiness we find here, there is a catch: it’s always temporary. Lasting joy, peace, and security can only come from an eternal source; they can only come from the Lord.
The Bible contains the very words of God. For that reason, it’s a lifeline to eternity, a letter from home that reminds us what’s true and what really matters to our Father’s heart. Reading Scripture in faith allows us to taste and savor the freedom and joy we were created for. In the pages of God’s Word, we draw near to our Father and discover the riches of his grace. Faint souls are strengthened, minds are renewed, and hearts are enlightened. When this world brings us low, the Word of God can lift us up to the heights of heaven.
Scripture is not a magic pill to swallow or a quick fix for all of life’s problems. But, ongoing meditation does change a person’s trajectory, giving them an eternal perspective. In that, there’s tremendous hope and joy. God’s Word is a light to dispel shadows, a banner of truth to counter lies, and a healing salve for the nastiest of wounds.
Are you anxious and depressed? Dejected and unable to sleep? Struggling with addiction and feeling trapped? Unable to stand because of the weight on your shoulders? God says to bring that burden to him. Know that you are not alone. You are loved. You have a future brighter than the stars in the sky. You are unbelievably valuable to the King of creation. And if you ever forget these things, Scripture is waiting to remind you.
God of mercy, be near. Speak to me through your Word. Lift me up so I can see things as you do.
This plan contains devotions from The Sword and the Spirit: A 40-Day Morning and Evening Devotional by John Greco. https://broadstreetpublishing.com/the-sword-and-the-spirit/9781424565641/

Every Christian is called to live by God’s Word and walk in his Spirit. In the pages of the Bible, God reveals his good heart to us, and through the Holy Spirit, he gives us his very presence so we never have to walk alone. In this seven-day reading plan, John Greco invites you to draw near to the Lord as you encounter the sword and the Spirit.