7 Days With the Sword and the Spirit預覽

7 Days With the Sword and the Spirit

7 天中的第 4 天

Empowered from on High

In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God came upon a relatively small number of people—eccentric prophets, powerful kings, unique judges, and select craftsmen among the lot. The Spirit equipped these men and women for a certain role or task. God’s hand was upon them, and God’s works flowed through them for a season.

But then something amazing happened.

God made an unbelievable promise to his people. Even as he warned them of impending judgment for their reckless sin and relentless idolatry, he let them know there was a day coming when his Spirit would come to rest on all flesh, not just a chosen few. All of his people—young, old, male, female—would become vessels for his divine power and wisdom. They would be connected to God in ways they simply hadn’t been before.

At Pentecost, a few days after Jesus ascended to the Father, this promise came true—and it holds true today. Anyone who comes to Jesus in faith receives the Holy Spirit. God is no longer a distant stranger but a holy companion for every day of this life.

Of course, it’s not that the Spirit has become common. In fact, the Spirit’s presence remains reserved for kings and prophets and servants of God. The truth is that you and I and every follower of Jesus have been elevated; we are now a priesthood of royalty and representatives of heaven here on earth. We are doing the work of people like Gideon and Elijah, Jeremiah and Deborah, though in our own unique contexts. Like the prophets of old, we have been called to speak God’s message. We have been given spiritual manifestations in order to bless the community of faith and, by extension, the world at large.

God has poured out his Spirit upon you. You have received an immeasurable gift, one that many of God’s people down through the ages could scarcely have imagined. God himself is at work within you—to speak to you and through you. Always remember: the calling is as amazing as the gift. God has given you a unique assignment and has empowered you to do his will here on earth.

Ancient of Days, speak to me through your Spirit. Move me, use me, and accomplish your purposes through me.

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7 Days With the Sword and the Spirit

Every Christian is called to live by God’s Word and walk in his Spirit. In the pages of the Bible, God reveals his good heart to us, and through the Holy Spirit, he gives us his very presence so we never have to walk alone. In this seven-day reading plan, John Greco invites you to draw near to the Lord as you encounter the sword and the Spirit.
