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V I C T O R預覽


7 天中的第 5 天

A victor is tenacious. The mindset of a victor stays the course and continues to fight the good fight, regardless of whether they feel like it or not. Tenacity is the adhesive that keeps the victor's crown firmly fixed upon the victor's head. No matter the rumblings that may be surrounding them, with a tenacious spirit, they will see the victory. There is no give-up in them. Tenacity is defined as the quality of being persistent and determined, even in the face of adversity.

It is a trait that is essential for success in any area of life, but especially in the Christian life. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be tenacious in our faith and endure through the trials and tribulations that come our way. We are called to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and to run the race with endurance, laying aside every weight and sin that hinders us.

The Bible is full of examples of people who exhibited tenacity in their faith. Noah persevered in building the ark despite the ridicule of others. Abraham persisted in his faith, even when it seemed like God's promises would never come to pass. Moses endured the trials of leading the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. The Apostle Paul writes, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).

These examples remind us that the Christian life is not always easy. It requires perseverance and tenacity. But if we stay the course and keep the faith, we too can cross the finish line and be counted among those who have finished the race. And of course, we have Jesus Himself, who endured the cross, despising its shame, and who calls us to take up our own cross and follow Him.

Having tenacity in the Christian walk means that we are willing to endure through the trials and challenges that come our way. It means that we are willing to persevere in our faith, even when it seems like God is silent or distant. It means that we are willing to keep pressing on towards the goal, even when the journey is difficult. So how can we cultivate tenacity in our own lives?

First and foremost, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. He is the ultimate example of tenacity, and as we follow Him, He will give us the strength and endurance we need to persevere. Secondly, we must surround ourselves with a community of believers who can encourage and support us on our journey. We cannot do this alone, and having a support system can make all the difference in the world.

Having tenacity in the Christian walk is essential for victory. It means that we are willing to persevere through the trials and challenges that may come our way; and that we are willing to keep pressing on toward the goal. May we be people who exhibit tenacity in our faith, following in the footsteps of Jesus Himself. Be encouraged as you keep pressing on toward the finish line. No matter what challenges you may face, remember that Jesus has already declared, "It is finished." The victory has already been won. And if you stay the course and keep the faith, you too can cross the finish line and be counted among the finishers, just like Jesus!

Reflection Questions:

What are some specific trials or challenges that you are facing in your life right now?

How can you cultivate tenacity in your faith as you face these challenges?

What are some specific ways that you can keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

How can you lay aside any weights or sins that are hindering you from running the race with endurance?

What does it mean to you to "fight the good fight"?

What does it mean to "finish the race"?

How can you keep the faith as you fight the good fight and finish the race?

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This devotional plan will provide a strategy in the form of an acronym using the word VICTOR to keep the victor’s crown upon our heads. You are a victor in this life and are called to take the victory stance with arms lifted high, proclaiming that you are a victor in Christ, all because Jesus Christ is the Victorious One!
