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7 天中的第 1 天

For many people, this life we are given is often perceived as just a game to either win or lose. However, that is not an eternal perspective and is not what the Word of God teaches us. It tells us that in Christ, the victory has already been won and that we are truly victorious in Christ Jesus! This perspective could very well change the way we approach life. Instead of just striving to win in this life at all costs, we can live with confidence, peace, and joy, knowing that our ultimate victory is already secure. We could then focus on serving others and spreading the love of Christ, rather than just trying to come out on top.

This perspective also helps us to deal with setbacks and failures. We realize we don't have to be defined by our losses because we know that in Christ, we have already won the ultimate prize. With this outlook, we will live each day with a sense of purpose and hope, knowing that our victory is not in our own strength, but in the power of Christ, who has already overcome the world.

So then, if this life is not about winning and losing, what is it really about? Is it perhaps for the gaining of perspective—this eternal perspective, to be exact? Is it to learn how to perceive ourselves as God perceives us, to see ourselves as overcomers, more than conquerors, as victors not only in the here and now, but more significantly for the age to come?

Now if this is true, then would there be great value in shifting our perspective of ourselves to an eternal vantage point, so we see that in Christ the fight has already been won? In Christ, the Word of God reminds us we are more than conquerors and that the victory has already been won. The victor’s crown has already been secured and bestowed upon our heads, all because of what Christ has accomplished on the Cross at Calvary. If so, then it must be understood that there is a weight of responsibility attached to wearing this victor’s crown.

It is that we must not become too casual in donning such regal regalia, rather we must always remember who won it for us. When we allow the weights and worries of this world to cause our gaze to be cast downward, the crown can begin to slip from our head. When this earthly life is not going as we think it should be going and a case of “woe is me” starts to swirl around our minds, we can quickly forget who we are and, more importantly, Whose we are. We can become victims of this life and not victorious in it. We can slip into a victim mentality which is far from the victorious mindset that Christ has called us to.

There is a shifting of mindsets that takes place from one of a victim to that of the victor. Remember, in Christ, you are a Victor and not a victim.

This does not mean you will not encounter battles that could deter and derail you from your eternal perspective. You are called to fight those battles from a position of victory, knowing the battle has already been won. This stance gives us hope, and with hope, we can continue to rise over and over again in the battles because we know that the war has already been won.

Therefore, we must constantly remind ourselves of the truth that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. We must also remember that this victor’s crown is not just for our own personal gain; it is meant to be shared with others. As we walk in victory, we can inspire and encourage others to do the same. We can be a shining example of what it means to live a life of faith and victory in Christ. So let us wear this crown with humility and gratitude, always keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Let us never forget the price that was paid for our victory and let us always strive to live up to the high calling that comes with wearing this victor’s crown.

This devotional plan will provide a strategy in the form of an acronym using the word VICTOR to keep the victor’s crown upon our heads. Remember this… You are a Victor in this life and are called to take the victory stance with arms lifted high, proclaiming that you are a victor in Christ, all because Jesus Christ is Victorious!




This devotional plan will provide a strategy in the form of an acronym using the word VICTOR to keep the victor’s crown upon our heads. You are a victor in this life and are called to take the victory stance with arms lifted high, proclaiming that you are a victor in Christ, all because Jesus Christ is the Victorious One!
