End Result預覽

Delivering with Zest
A study by one of the Big 4 found 88 percent of employees lack passion for their work and thus do not contribute to their full potential. There is a significant correlation between discretionary effort and passion. Passion begets more passion and more passion begets even more passion. Passion is the fuel that energizes the achievement of your purpose and keeps it on course despite the varied detractors that come your way. Cultivate and generate the right passion and results will follow.
When asked, ‘what makes you so passionate about what you do?’, my response has been, ‘I love what I do’. Being passionate consistently raises the bar, breeds excellence, and translates into a meeting or surpassing of objectives. Early in my career, as a core group member of the JRDQV Awards Team of a Tata company, I worked non-stop for 56 hours to ensure we produced a high-quality application. Despite significant challenges, the team passionately maintained a laser-sharp focus on the deliverables and met the quality parameters on time.
Passion is spelt out in all that God did; in His creative genius, His passion comes through in the details; in His sustaining grace, His passion is evident for creation; in His redemptive work, the passion of Christ is the hallmark. Do you give your 100 percent in all that you do? Are there pieces of your portfolio that gets a 99 percent or a 90 percent or even a 50 percent of you, wherein you go through the motions but not apply yourself fully? When you give your 100 percent, it shows and when you give your 99 percent, it shows even more!
A sage when asked how to achieve an impossible goal took the questioner into a stream and without warning pushed him in and held his head underwater. Then, he released him and said, ‘as much as you needed a breath of fresh air when underwater is how much you should ‘need’ to achieve your goal and you will achieve it’. Passion is that sterling quality that pushes the average to brilliance, the mediocre to excellence, and the ordinary to distinction; find your passion, and the passion will propel you to achieving your purpose!
Father, help me to be passionate and channel my passion to achieve Your purpose. Amen

Relying merely on God to act in the absence of your initiative will not work. Human efforts plus divine intervention is the winning formula. When we prioritize Him, He prioritizes our tasks and gives grace from above to achieve and surpass our goals. This Bible Plan is about not letting the ‘here and now’ erode the ‘hereafter’. A great finish is better than a good start!