End Result預覽

End Result

7 天中的第 3 天

Focus on the ‘How’

Often competence and competency, objectives and outcomes, performance and results are used synonymously. However, there are clear distinctions that underpin these expressions. Competence is to do with the ‘what’ and competency is to do with the ‘how’. Where the focus is on ‘what’, the ‘how’ does not get its due attention, resulting in possibly achieving outcomes but objectives get compromised, achieving results but performance is impacted. In contrast, where performance is focused upon, results follow; when objectives are pursued, outcomes follow; when the ‘how’ is emphasised, the ‘what’ is achieved.

In a tough quarter, where achieving revenues was a challenge, one of the team members suggested we use spurious data, take the client into confidence saying we shall recast the reports in the first week of the following month, which should give us the revenue credit. This appeared to be a logical option and a viable workaround, but with my strong convictions, I stated in no uncertain terms that we would never cut corners. While we missed the revenue target that quarter, our credibility with the client was protected with additional revenue streams flowing into that account.

Even in the worldly context, results are valid only if they are achieved within the stipulated framework of governing norms. As a Christian professional, you are required to operate apropos standards since you are being watched! (Gal 5:7)

Develop a right understanding of results; take a holistic perspective rather than rush into half-baked outcomes that compromise the ‘how’, lest you run the risk of jeopardising your testimony.

Often the temptation is to subscribe to the dictum, ‘get the results by hook or by crook’. While this maxim may be followed by many in multiple contexts, as a professing Christian, you are called to up the game such that the focus shifts from ‘what’ to ‘how’. This will ensure that the results are not merely achieved but in the manner in which it is to be achieved, ensuring sustainability. Thus, it’s not by ‘any’ means that I achieve the results but by the ‘right’ means. Do reflect on how you are doing on the ‘performance’ for results.

Father, give me the discernment to invest in the ‘how’ in the assurance that the ‘what’ will follow. Amen

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End Result

Relying merely on God to act in the absence of your initiative will not work. Human efforts plus divine intervention is the winning formula. When we prioritize Him, He prioritizes our tasks and gives grace from above to achieve and surpass our goals. This Bible Plan is about not letting the ‘here and now’ erode the ‘hereafter’. A great finish is better than a good start!
