Uncommen: House Divided預覽

Uncommen: House Divided

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When Your Words And Actions Don’t Match

Matthew 15:8 - "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;"

Matthew 15:8 is a clear depiction of a divided house. Our lips say one thing while our heart says something radically different.

In context, Jesus was speaking with the Pharisees and scribes about Traditions and Commandments. 

When it comes to our relationships—whether marriage, family, or friends—there is something to be learned from this verse. What we say doesn't always reflect what to do. We'll consider a marriage scenario for today's devotional. 

Here's something to consider for all relationships, however. The vertical always affects the horizontal. If your relationship with God (vertical) is absent, it will inevitably affect your relationships with others (horizontal). 

Why do so many marriages end in divorce?

We say "I do" to a list of commitments that we don't really understand or mean. Furthermore, we don't understand the seriousness of our responsibility before God.

Our lips say it, but our hearts don't mean it, or at least understand it. This is one of the many reasons why premarital counseling is crucial. It's Godly counsel from an outside source that reminds us about how meaningful our relationship with God is and why marriage is so important.

Certainly, marital issues will arise even in a relationship where God is at the center. However, with Him there, you can have reconciliation because you realize that you're both sinners. You both need a savior. If we understand this, we can more aptly say things with both our lips and our hearts.

We can worship rightly, love our spouse properly, and glorify God through it.

Uncommen Questions:

Are your lips and your heart in agreement with your worship of Jesus?

Are your lips and your heart in agreement in your marriage?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge both you and me to reexamine our lips and hearts when it comes to worship. God is worthy

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Uncommen: House Divided

Join us as we take a look at how unstable a house can become when it’s divided. The Bible calls it like it is and says, “that house cannot stand.” What are you doing to keep your house stable?
