14 天中的第 13 天

I once knew a lady who was convinced that God hadn’t answered her prayers for a child for her infertile son and daughter-in-law because she hadn’t used some very specific words. It was so sad! How awful that she thought that she was responsible for the grief in her family, and that God would withhold good things from those he loves because she hadn’t said the magic words.

Prayer is about relationship. Prayer is ALL about relationship. We don’t need to offer up anything but a genuine desire to talk to our father. He is able to hear us even when the words won’t come, or when they sound like crying. The Holy Spirit is with us, and God understands. If you’re a seasoned pray-er, that’s great. Keep going, but for those of us who find it hard that’s okay too – committing to regular prayer can take practice. Sometimes it helps to keep a journal, or to find a friend to share prayer time with you. In any case, it should be a joy, not a chore. 

What practices can you put in place today to draw closer to God in prayer?

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you that you invite us to pray and for the gift of the Holy Spirit who can speak for us when we don’t have the words to say. Please fill me with a desire to draw close to you, speak to you and hear your word. Amen.

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It can seem like the world is full of messages telling you that you are not good enough, smart enough, spiritual enough…or even that you are too much. It’s too easy to let these pull you down and suck the joy out of your day. But what does the Bible say about your value? This devotion series will offer you a daily reminder of your worth and value in Christ.
