14 天中的第 12 天

Growing in my understanding of God’s character has been one of the most wonderful parts of being a Christian over the last 20 years. Psalm 103, and in particular this passage, is a beautiful picture of who God is and how tender he is towards his people. 

Sin is deeply offensive to God. And while he is judge of the world, he is also incredibly kind and forbearing. How forgiven are those who put their trust in him? Immeasurably. How clean is our rap sheet? Immeasurably. How deeply loved are you by the creator and judge of the world? Immeasurably. 

It’s great that you’re reading Daily Bible. Developing disciplines of Bible reading isn’t easy. It often feels like two steps forward and one step back. But studying the Bible is how we come to know God better. If it’s hard, or you fall out of the habit, that’s okay. Start again. Find another time and give it another go.

How are you going in growing in your understanding of God?

Prayer: Dear God, I am so thankful that you want to know us and that you have made it possible for us to know you. You are so kind and generous to us – forgiving us more than I can possibly understand. Please help me to know you better and draw closer to you through your word. Amen.

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It can seem like the world is full of messages telling you that you are not good enough, smart enough, spiritual enough…or even that you are too much. It’s too easy to let these pull you down and suck the joy out of your day. But what does the Bible say about your value? This devotion series will offer you a daily reminder of your worth and value in Christ.
