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Colossians: Alive In Christ 預覽

Colossians: Alive In Christ

24 天中的第 2 天

Spiritual leaders must pray. We see that all through the Bible with prophets, priests and kings, and Paul has definitely learnt that lesson as well. These verses, as do all Paul’s letters, show us a man who prays. The thing that’s excited Paul here, and caused him to thank God, is the church’s faith, hope and love. In his mind, this is the inevitable impact the gospel makes in any believer or church. Faith, hope and love are the vital signs of the gospel’s power working in our lives. Paul’s great concern in this letter is that the Colossians hold on to this gospel - and so keep on living in faith, hope and love.

'Remember the gospel of Christ!’ Paul is effectively saying in verses 5–6. This gospel holds out a real and powerful future hope to a world without any hope. In 1:27, we read that it is nothing less than Jesus Christ himself and the glory that we get with him. This hope-filled gospel is initially likened to a powerful life-giving seed that produces transforming effects in our lives – and ‘All over the world’ (v. 6). The good news about Christ isn’t useless or weak, but it has life-giving power and gives hope across the whole world. We need to hold onto this gospel tightly. 

According to verse 7, the good news had come to the Colossians not from Paul but from Epaphras. Here we get a good description of what their gospel minister is like. He is:

  • 'our dear fellow-servant' - leaders are called to serve people (a closer translation is in fact 'slave') and not to exalt themselves
  • 'faithful' - leaders are called to have long-term stickability and commitment
  • a 'minister of Christ' - leaders are to be committed to the cause of Christ, and not to be distracted from him

We need to be thankful for committed leaders like this who have brought us the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's not take them for granted!


1. How is your faith, hope and love at the moment?

2. What impact has the gospel had in individual believers that you know?

3. Think of a leader who has been faithful to you and give God thanks for them.

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Colossians: Alive In Christ

Colossians is jam–packed with great truths about Jesus. It’s a heart–warming, challenging and potentially life–changing book. In these 24 devotions Andy Mason shows us that we are made alive in Christ, and that Christian growth comes from actively remembering Christ’s supremacy over all things. Each devotion concludes with reflection questions that will challenge us to let God’s Word change our lives.
