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Colossians: Alive In Christ 預覽

Colossians: Alive In Christ

24 天中的第 24 天

There’s something deep in us that looks for heroes to follow. Mentors and role models have a massive influence on our choices and character, even if we’re not always conscious of who they are. 

Aristarchus (v. 10), in particular, shows us the radical commitment of discipleship. He’s in prison with Paul at that moment for his ministry for Christ. Mark (v. 10) shows us the power of Christian reconciliation. He had at one point fallen out with Paul (see Acts 15:37–39), but he’s now commended by Paul – and even described as a comfort to him (v. 11). Nympha (v. 15), most likely a woman of means, who hosted the local church in her home, shows us the importance of generosity and hospitality. 

By way of contrast, though there are also some warnings for us in these verses. Demas (v. 14) proved unfaithful in the end (2 Tim. 4:10), hence the importance of faithfulness (see 1:7 and 4:7). Archippus (v. 17) was also in danger of not holding out in his service of Christ. Long-term perseverance is a key quality to look for in role models. 

From Epaphras (v. 12 – and already mentioned in 1:7–8) we learn, firstly, how to pray. He constantly ‘wrestles’ in prayer (literally, ‘agonising’) for the church. Don’t give up wrestling with God in this way on behalf of your local church. Secondly, we learn what to pray for. It’s very easy for us to be diverted in prayer towards all kinds of goals and purposes, but his prayer is focused on God’s priorities for the church (see 1:28–29): maturity and assurance. Lastly, we learn about working hard for the local church (v. 13). How easily we give our effort and energy to career, studies, hobbies and home improvement – but the local church deserves our very best work. 

At the end, Paul himself reminds us of his own imprisonment as he writes this letter. It’s striking to think that most of the New Testament wasn’t written from an office or a quiet study, but from prison. Let Paul’s willingness to suffer shape the kind of Christianity you want to live out in your life. 


1. Which one of these heroes struck you the most? Why? What can you learn from them?

2. Which heroes do you have in your life generally? How have they modelled Christ-like character to you?



Colossians: Alive In Christ

Colossians is jam–packed with great truths about Jesus. It’s a heart–warming, challenging and potentially life–changing book. In these 24 devotions Andy Mason shows us that we are made alive in Christ, and that Christian growth comes from actively remembering Christ’s supremacy over all things. Each devotion concludes with reflection questions that will challenge us to let God’s Word change our lives.
