Here I Am X Waha预览

Go... Make disciples.
“Go and make disciples of all nations…” – Matthew 28:19
FOR YEARS, I thought making disciples was something only pastors and missionaries could do. I had a passion for seeing people come to Christ.. but I didn’t know where to start.
It might be hard to consider, 'going,' when you're struggling to balance a high-stress job or raise a rambunctious toddler.
The weight of the Great Commission can sometimes feel overwhelming— it did for me!
That was.. until I realized something life-changing:
Making disciples is as simple as inviting someone to read the Bible with you.
Jesus didn't complicate discipleship.
He gathered people.
He asked questions right where they were at.
He let God’s Word do the work.
I saw this firsthand when I worked in North Africa. 99.99% unreached.. they've never heard about the Gospel.
We would sit down, open Scripture, and ask, “What does this teach text us about God?”
Everything changed.
Barriers fell. People met Jesus.
New believers didn’t just keep the message to themselves—THEY INVITED THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES TO DO THE SAME!!
You don’t need a theology degree to make disciples. You don’t need all the answers. You just need a heart willing to invite someone into God’s Word... a posture of, "Here I am..."
Try this:
Pull out your phone and look through your list of contacts. Who is far from God that you could start praying for?
- Send them a text message, voice memo, or even an ol’ fashioned phone call! Tell them you are praying for them and would love to hear an update on their life.
- If they are open to your prayers, invite them to coffee or a walk. Get into their world. Ask them how they think their spiritual life is going.
You can even use the free Waha app to make more stories happen yourself! Check out the free Disciple Making course here.
Father, thank you for making this call to make disciples clear. You are so gracious and kind in leading me to this call. Give me opportunities to take these steps of faith to invite the people around me into your story. Amen.

"Hineni” (pronounced hee-nay-nee) is the Hebrew cry for, “Here I am.” Used by heroes of the faith like Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Isaiah, responding to the call of God with this phrase marked a turning point in each of their lives. Journey through the next 5 days with insights from missionaries and global leaders like Matt Hatch and Joe Ewen to discover what your purpose is and how to posture your heart to say, "Here I am."