Here I Am X Waha预览

His Glory will cover the Earth
Have you ever watched water cover the sea?
It moves all around and covers every. single. part.
Nothing is left untouched. The Bible tells us in Habakkuk that one day, God's glory will do the same on earth.
Matthew 24:14 says that this good news of God's Kingdom will be shared everywhere, with all people—every race, language, and nation—and then the end will come.
God's invitation to us is to help introduce His glorious Kingdom to every nation, tribe and tongue!
It's like God is saying,
"I'm going to fill the earth with My glory.. I want YOU to help."
God is inviting us to partner with Him, just like a team.
He shares His dreams and invites us to dream too. He is calling us—His imperfect, but beloved children—to carry His message.
From the text in Romans, we ask this question:
"How can people believe if no one tells them?"
God trusts us to be the ones to share His good news.
Imagine being the person who brings light to someone living in the dark. When we share about Jesus, we tell others that the Good Shepherd is here to walk into our darkness and our brokenness and offer healing, hope and restoration.
What an amazing adventure we get to be part of! God’s light will spread across the world, and He’s chosen YOU to help make it happen. Let's share this good news—because it’s real, it’s powerful, and it’s what the world needs.
Ask Yourself:
Who can you share this good news with today?
Father, thank you for your great plan to involve your children in covering the earth with Your Glory. I want to be a part of your story. Empower me with the courage and boldness to share with those you've placed in my life. Amen.

"Hineni” (pronounced hee-nay-nee) is the Hebrew cry for, “Here I am.” Used by heroes of the faith like Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Isaiah, responding to the call of God with this phrase marked a turning point in each of their lives. Journey through the next 5 days with insights from missionaries and global leaders like Matt Hatch and Joe Ewen to discover what your purpose is and how to posture your heart to say, "Here I am."