Thriving in Uncertain Times to Gain a Confident Future预览

The Timeline Has Shifted
As a prophet, God has given me a unique privilege to serve around the world. A few years ago, I was on a ministry tour of seven countries. In Geneva, Switzerland, my team met for strategic, prophetic prayer with key people to minister to them. As I stood in my meeting, I heard the Lord say, “The timeline has shifted. The days of Noah have returned.” In Noah’s day, people were going about their business while the world as they knew it was ending. Matthew 24:37–39 (ESV) says:
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as
in those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were
unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming
of the Son of Man.
It’s the same now, people going on as usual, not hearing the warning call being released throughout the world to come to Jesus Christ!
I do not share these prophetic words to cause you to fear. Instead, I want you to be warned so you might realize your calling in difficult times. You are the light of this world, and you have an important assignment as a believer. God is calling believers to stand in the gates and wage war. A gateway is an opening used to transition from one place to another. The enemy always fights your transitions because he desires for you to be stuck in the same place, keeping you from entering the place God has designed for you. Scriptures reveal that Satan walks around, seeking to destroy and devour (see 1 Peter 5:8–9). But when you resist the enemy, standing firm in your faith, you can prevail.
A shift is coming to mindsets. Repentance will be the key that unlocks the Kingdom and power of God. No matter the city, region, or country that you live in, when you accept Jesus, you then become a
part of the government of God. Let your mind be transformed to walk in the power of Jesus Christ!

God wants to work in you to effect positive change in the world. The darkness in our world will escalate, yet you have learned how to thrive in uncertain times. Go be the light in the darkness. Prophesy when God speaks and watch things around you change for the better!