Thriving in Uncertain Times to Gain a Confident Future预览

Thriving in Uncertain Times to Gain a Confident Future


It Might Sound Crazy, But I’m Hearing God

Throughout the years, I’ve learned that God will speak to you of a future that does not yet exist. Your natural mind may unknowingly fight God’s words because you’ve never seen that reality; it has never entered your heart or mind. When you see prophecies come to pass and featured in the headline news, look back at them as a reference and reminder that God does speak today.

My journey of hearing the voice of God and receiving messages from Him started as a young child. I was a 1980s baby and grew up in the ‘90s before there were smartphones, flat-screen TVs, or social media sites. Riding in the car, you would have to turn the dial to the right frequency to pick up the radio signal. It was then that I learned the importance of connecting to the right channel or frequency. I believe that there is a frequency, a wavelength, on which God transmits His divine communications with us. It is my belief that He is always speaking, but we are not always positioned to listen. Out of God’s mercy, compassion, and enormous grace, He descends to us. Yet, He still requires us to tune our minds, hearts, and thinking to fully receive Him.

Growing up, I had to wrestle with the radio antenna, constantly changing its direction until I could get good reception. Likewise, a person may have to reposition his or her spiritual posture to hear from God clearly. Hidden sin in your heart, like bad reception, can block spiritual communication. It takes purity to unblock the signal. It’s important always to keep a heart of repentance toward God. As you grow in your love of God, you will develop sensitivity to what grieves Him and what pleases Him. Being free from sin puts you on a frequency to hear the voice of the Lord clearly.

In Isaiah 55:8–9 (ESV), God speaks a powerful mystery: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God’s thoughts are so superior, vast, and beyond our intellect that they soar above our heads like electronic signals being transmitted. The only way to capture this divine communication is to have your receptors positioned to receive it.

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Thriving in Uncertain Times to Gain a Confident Future

God wants to work in you to effect positive change in the world. The darkness in our world will escalate, yet you have learned how to thrive in uncertain times. Go be the light in the darkness. Prophesy when God speaks and watch things around you change for the better!
