Dangerous Prayers预览

Every day, we go about our lives doing certain things: eating, living, and praying. Prayer is essential to our lives, but so often, we spend our time asking for things like, "Bless this food to our bodies" or "Help me to succeed in this part of my life." Because of this, we also frequently overlook the importance and the comfort that the phrase "Your will be done" (Luke 22:42) can bring to life.
In the Bible, when Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray, he says to pray like this, "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name," and then, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9-10). Even as Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray, he orders it with praise to God and then asks for His will to be done. God’s will is one of the most important parts of our prayers, yet we often miss that part.
As we fast and pray this season, let’s all try to make God's will a priority in our prayers. When God's will in our lives is added to our prayers, it makes great changes for us. The omnipotent will of our God can change lives for the better. I challenge you to pray for God's will to be done and see where He guides you for the rest of this season.
Andrew Martin

In His most familiar prayer, Jesus uttered a four-word "dangerous prayer:" "Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). It takes trust in God's goodness and faithfulness to pray for His will in our lives. I want to invite you to have the same heart and desire as Jesus and to follow His lead in these four words: "Your will be done."