Dangerous Prayers预览

I know that You know, that I know, that You know my thoughts. I can sympathize with how David was feeling at this time. David felt the Lord was spying on him. He felt there was no escape. Well, actually, there wasn't. When God comes to search our hearts, it is to examine our love of God.
The heart is the center of a person's emotional, intellectual, and physical lives. It is the core of our spiritual being much as the heart is core to every organ in our physical body. In asking God to search us, we invite Him to open our hearts so that we might receive the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Scripture throughout the Old and New Testaments often refers to the heart: His peace will guard our hearts; love the Lord your God with all your heart; blessed is the pure in heart; let not your heart be troubled. The secular world also speaks of the heart: the heart of the matter, spoken from the heart, heartfelt, straight from the heart.
David, known as a man after God's own heart, was aware of his heart's deceitful nature. He understood that his actions could cause sorrow in the eyes of God. David poured himself out before God because he was prepared for a heart search, an overhaul, a recalibration.
As we enter these 21 Days of Fasting, let's be intentional about what we allow in our hearts. Let us 'Fast' in a way that doesn't just last a brief time, but brings about a heart-changing transformation that is here to stay. Let us sit quietly before Him through these 21 days, knowing that He's looking at you, looking at Him, and you're both happy because your heart is being changed.
Elaine Cortez

In His most familiar prayer, Jesus uttered a four-word "dangerous prayer:" "Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). It takes trust in God's goodness and faithfulness to pray for His will in our lives. I want to invite you to have the same heart and desire as Jesus and to follow His lead in these four words: "Your will be done."