Life on Fire预览

Over the last 6 days, we have considered the lives of significant forerunners in scripture. We have examined their lifestyles and what sets them apart.
We have seen that they were people of intensity dedicated to prayer, they were people who had authentic authority that came from intimacy with God. These forerunners were serious about their consecration to the One true God and they had no tolerance for sin or compromise. Lastly, they were people who cultivated their secret places and knew how to enter the secret place of the Most High God.
All of these attributes are hallmarks of men and women who are spiritually violent; which is another way of saying they were radically and wholeheartedly dedicated to the Lord. These people of God swam against the tide of culture and were able to advance in the spirit because the force in them was greater than the force of culture coming against them.
'Such a disposition is violent in the spirit against distraction, compromise or sin.' - James Aladiran.
Only with wholehearted dedication can we make advancements for the Kingdom of God. Sadly if our only dedication to God is a Sunday morning and midweek meeting it is likely that we will be swept away by the oppression, depression, and perversion of this age.
The call has gone out again for a generation of believers who will be modern-day Elijahs and Johns in this age of darkness. People of intensity who are awake to God and the call of God in their lives, and ready to live lives that counter the darkness of this age.
Will you respond?

Are you tired of comfortable Christianity? Are you wondering what it takes to be on fire for Christ? This devotional is for you. Based on James Aladiran's book 'Life on Fire', this 8-day plan calls believers into a radical way of living, one that has the potential to shift culture and awaken souls for Christ. Devotional was written and adapted by Anna Tran.