Life on Fire预览

Life on Fire


"The truth is, you don't know you're asleep until you wake up" - James Aladiran

Sometimes it seems that the world is becoming more and more broken. The systems we were meant to be able to trust are corrupt and flawed, and the people whom we have put trust into are weak and unreliable. The vulnerable are oppressed, anti-Christ ideologies are being preached widely, wickedness is celebrated and the kingdom of darkness seems to be raging.

But it is here, in the intensity of the darkness that God raises His greatest warriors. In scripture, we see over and over again that it is in the moments of great oppression and opposition that God raises up men and women who do not bow to the pressures and spirit of the age. People who can be used by Him to bring many back to Him.

Two examples of this are Elijah and John the Baptist.

Elijah was raised up at a time when the whole nation of Israel was captivated by the worship of the false gods Baal and Asherah; and as a result gave themselves to shrine prostitution, child sacrifice, and divination. In Elijah's life, he called the nation of Israel back to the worship of Yahweh and exposed the fallacy of the false gods who were being exalted in the land.

John the Baptist was raised up in a time of spiritual deadness and extreme legalism. He called the nation of Israel to repentance and to a life of true devotion where their hearts and not just their actions were surrendered to Yahweh. His life paved the way for Jesus Christ.

Both Elijah and John the Baptist were intense (focused and fervent) people. Intense in their lifestyles, intense in their devotion, and intense in their message to the world. The intensity of their lives awakened their generation from spiritual slumber back into life with the only true God.

The call has gone out again for a generation of believers who will be modern-day Elijahs and Johns in this age of darkness. People of intensity who are awake to God and ready to live lives that confront the darkness of this age.

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Life on Fire

Are you tired of comfortable Christianity? Are you wondering what it takes to be on fire for Christ? This devotional is for you. Based on James Aladiran's book 'Life on Fire', this 8-day plan calls believers into a radical way of living, one that has the potential to shift culture and awaken souls for Christ. Devotional was written and adapted by Anna Tran.
