Heroes of the Faith, Part 5预览

Heroes of the Faith, Part 5


God Recruits You

Bible Story: Samuel - 1 Samuel 1:1-28, 3:1-21

Theme verse: John 15:16

Today we are going to learn about Samuel, the last judge in Israel and how God called him. Remember all the men and women of faith we have learned about? Which kind of person do you think Samuel was: a great warrior, a rich man, or a priest?

Let’s find out how God called him. A woman in Israel couldn’t have any children, and it made her very sad. One time when she went with her husband to worship God at the temple, she prayed silently asking God for a baby, saying that she would give the baby to God. After she went home, God answered her prayer, and she had a little boy named Samuel. She brought Samuel to the temple, and he grew up there with the priest Eli caring for him.

One day, when Samuel was still just a boy, he was sleeping inside the temple and tending the candles. During the night, he heard someone calling him, “Samuel! Samuel!” He got up and ran to Eli and said, “Here I am!” But Eli hadn’t called him. After three times, Eli realized that God was calling him. He told Samuel to go back and listen to God. The next time God called him, Samuel said, “Here I am.”

When God wants to do amazing things in His kingdom, sometimes we think God would use angels or come down and speak with a big booming voice. God has done both of those, but most of the time, God would rather use regular people like you and me! God does not only want to use pastors, missionaries, or teachers. God wants to use you, too, even as a kid right where you are!

Jesus said that His sheep (you) can hear and recognize his voice. (John 10:27) To be ready for God to call you like Samuel, spend time in church and help wherever you can. Ask your parents, teachers, and pastors for advice so they can help you learn to hear His voice. Then when God calls you, say “Here I am!” and do whatever He tells you to do.

After Samuel got the message from God, he slept through the night and told Eli in the morning. If God calls you in the middle of eating at a restaurant, for example, don’t interrupt what everyone else is doing so that you can be super spiritual. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pray. It seems silly, but God can talk to you anywhere. Then you can come back and tell others about it when it is a good time.

Samuel faithfully spoke God’s word for the rest of his life. He was Israel’s last judge, and God used him to anoint, to reveal, the first two kings of Israel.

I choose to be ready when God calls me.


1. What difference can I make?

2. Why isn’t there enough food and money for everyone in the world?

3. What if someone hates me?

Application to Life

The homework assignment is to do something merciful every day, for example helping an elderly person across the street, carrying bags of groceries from the supermarket for an adult, helping another person with a repair job, etc.

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Heroes of the Faith, Part 5

How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Samson's immense strength, Ruth's faithfulness, Samuel's lifelong devotion, and King Saul's self-will. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.
