Heroes of the Faith, Part 5预览

Heroes of the Faith, Part 5


God Blesses You

Bible story: Ruth - Ruth 1:1-3:3, 3:16-4:22

Theme verse: Jeremiah 17:7-8

Welcome back! In the time of the judges, like Jephthah and Samson, there was another beautiful story. An Israelite moved his family to Moab because of a famine. Within 10 years, the father and both sons died.

We live in a world polluted by sin, and bad things happen to both non-Christians and Christians alike. Jesus said we would have problems but that He would be with us through the hard times.

The widow Naomi went back to Israel with her two daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah. On the way, Naomi sent them home to Moab, thinking it would be better for them. They loved each other, and the goodbye was so sad. Orpah went back to Moab, but Ruth stayed loyal to Naomi, saying that Naomi’s God and people would be Ruth’s God and people. At home in Bethlehem, Naomi said her life had been very bitter.

When bad stuff happens to us, it is easy to become bitter. But Ruth stayed loyal to Naomi and worked with diligence in the fields of Boaz, gathering barley. Then when her mother-in-law told her what to do, she obeyed without question.

Loyalty, diligence, and obedience are much more beautiful to God than beautiful clothes, hairstyles, makeup, or accessories.

Boaz noticed, too. He told Ruth to keep working in his field because he could protect her. He was kind and generous, inviting her to lunch with his workers and giving her more food. When it was time to marry, Boaz took care of everything in a right and God-pleasing way.

Kindness, generosity, and righteousness reflect Jesus and are more important than strength and handsomeness. The Bible says that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, when we consider Him the most important and wonderful thing in our lives, He gives us our heart’s desire. (Psalm 37:4) Jesus said that He comes to give us abundant life. (John 10:10) Jesus also said that when we give Him everything, He rewards us 100 times over, some in this life and some in heaven! (Matthew 19:28­-30) God wants to bless us.

Boaz and Ruth married and had a little boy who brought joy to Naomi. Sometimes God’s blessing to us helps other people, too. Boaz and Ruth became the grandparents of future king David and ancestors of Jesus Christ.

God’s blessing in your life could come in a future family, or in a friend that you have always wanted, or a fulfilling job, or bigger opportunities to serve God. God also uses all kinds of little things to show that He loves you. God is looking to bless you, and when you put God first and delight in Him and live in the way He likes even when it’s hard, God will delight in blessing you.

I believe God wants to bless me, and I will do my best to follow him no matter what.


1. So, what is there for me?

2. If God wants to bless us, why does he allow bad things to happen?

3. Why does everyone say “God bless you” in the church?

Application to life:

Your homework this week is to think of something you have that you like, for example, your family, a friend, your house or bed, etc. Thank God for it every day this week.

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Heroes of the Faith, Part 5

How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Samson's immense strength, Ruth's faithfulness, Samuel's lifelong devotion, and King Saul's self-will. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.
