Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.预览

Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.


What does the rhythm of your life say about your spiritual walk? Too often, we let life dictate our pattern and cadence. But what if we were more intentional about designing our time with practices that strengthen our connection with God?

As Bivocational pastors, it’s easy to let our busy schedules dictate our steps instead of surrendering to a process that deepens our spiritual life. For some, there may not even be a trace of any rhythm, leading to a wide-open surrender to whatever happens next.

Intentional rhythms allow for practices that stabilize and secure guardrails for our spiritual growth. Establishing a rhythm takes time, especially for Bivocational leaders. Balancing time with family, ministry, work, and everyday activities is a challenge. Yet, there are core elements that significantly impact how we handle life and its events.

The core of our being needs to connect with the Creator. Through stillness and awareness, we attune to the power of presence and the closeness we have been gifted through Jesus. Through the Scriptures, we learn the patterns of divine interaction and attitudes that shape our expectations of life. By developing our mental and physical strength, we position ourselves to receive fully from God without the hindrances that can cloud our receptivity.

Through discernment, we navigate the collision of flesh and Spirit, seeking truth and honesty. Through rest and Sabbath, we learn to celebrate and refuel our physical selves, enabling us to serve from a place of vitality and strength. Establishing these essential rhythms first allows for a godly foundation that then orders our steps with the right priorities and focus.

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Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.

As a Bivocational pastor, Mark navigates the unique challenges and opportunities of balancing dual roles. He shares his journey through scripture, offering fresh perspectives and practical wisdom. Discover how faith, resilience, and divine guidance help him overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Whether you’re a fellow Bivocational minister or simply curious, Mark’s insights will inspire and equip you for your own journey.
