Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.预览

Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.


God doesn’t want us just to survive; He wants us to thrive. As Bivocational pastors, it’s easy to think that taking on a second job is merely a decision for survival. But could there be more to it?

Sometimes, being Bivocational can feel like a failure or a compromise in ministry. Compared to many “fully funded” ministry contexts, it’s easy to feel second-rate or “less than.” This feeling is compounded when our unique calling is not supported or acknowledged, leaving us with doubt and insecurity.

While it’s easy to be consumed by the lack of acceptance, we must remember the focus and purpose behind our dual calling. Our idea of ministry success needs to shift from worldly expectations of numbers and size to the perspective of Jesus. Comparison is the greatest detriment to flourishing in our environments.

We need to remind ourselves that the size of our church is no match for the sphere of influence we have been gifted. The number of ministries we oversee is no match for the impact of Christ-like behavior and service. The declaration of our church’s vision is no match for the daily revelation of the Holy Spirit, who clarifies our sight and makes us more like Jesus.

While Jesus modeled true spiritual health, Peter was often more concerned with what people thought and the dissonance between earthly values and spiritual strength. We may focus too much on the “work” of the ministry and forget to model our ministry after Jesus.

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Dually Devoted – a Devotional for Bivocational Pastors and Leaders.

As a Bivocational pastor, Mark navigates the unique challenges and opportunities of balancing dual roles. He shares his journey through scripture, offering fresh perspectives and practical wisdom. Discover how faith, resilience, and divine guidance help him overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Whether you’re a fellow Bivocational minister or simply curious, Mark’s insights will inspire and equip you for your own journey.
