
Seven Reasons to Not Fear预览

Seven Reasons to Not Fear


Fear Only God

“So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6)

Because God will never abandon or desert us, we can be satisfied with what we have. Since the Lord is our possession, we are never without a friend, a treasure, or a home. This certainty may make us feel independent of people. With such eminent support, we don't feel inclined to cringe before others or seek their approval to live our lives as we see fit. What we assert, we assert confidently, unafraid of contradiction.

Those who revere God have no other fear. We should hold the living Lord in such reverence that the threats of the proudest persecutors are like the mere sound of the wind, having no power over us. In this day and age* man cannot inflict as much harm upon us as when the apostle wrote the verse mentioned earlier. Torture devices and executions are outdated practices. Even the most powerful religious figures cannot execute believers as they once could. If the followers of false teachings resort to cruel ridicule and scorn, it's not surprising, for those of the world cannot embrace divine truths. So, we must endure the world's contempt. It may wound our pride, but it cannot harm our essence.

With God's assistance, let us be courageous; when the world rages, let it rage, but let us not be afraid of it.

*This was written in England and is not true in many countries where Christians are still persecuted.

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Seven Reasons to Not Fear

‘Fear not!’ is an encouragement encountered often in the Bible. This series of devotionals explores seven reasons not to fear. They take you to the prophets, psalms, history of the Old Testament and encouragement found i...


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