Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite预览

Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite



Praying for missionaries is such a great and important role. Missionary is often a title reserved for those in far-off countries that are working to raise support. But missionaries are so much more. Missionaries are ambassadors of the kingdom of God, bringing the kingdom to a place in need, whether it is down the street or on the other side of the ocean. Missionaries near and far need prayer; they need God to show up in powerful ways. They need direction, provision, protection, soft hearts, and for God to show up and do what they can't. Choose some missions and or missionaries and start praying for them. Prayer is powerful. Sometimes, we underestimate the impact that it has. But when we pray, it makes a difference, and it is one of the ways that we can partner with a mission and with God to see His will done on earth as it is in heaven. Here are some ways to pray:

  • Pray that God would open doors for effective ministry (1 Cor. 16:9)
  • Pray for God to give them boldness (Acts 1:8 & 4:29-32)
  • Pray for God to provide all that the ministry needs. (Phil. 4:19)
  • Pray for the lost to come to know God. ( Acts 26:18)
  • Pray God’s protection (Psalm 34:7)
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Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite

We are taking 21 days to seek God first. Prayer is powerful! Prayer is a way that we can partner with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done. When we pray together, it draws us closer to God, bringing not only results but unity as we seek Him together.
