Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite预览

Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite



As we pray to see God's kingdom come and His will be done, it is easy to pray for what God would do in other places with other people. Sometimes, it's easy to see the needs around us and be excited for someone else to do it. When Jesus told us to pray for God to send laborers into the harvest, it's easy to pray it, hoping for God to raise up others. But to the disciples to whom He said this, He sent out a few verses later. (Matt 9:38-Matt 10:8; Luke 10:1-11) In Matthew 28:18-20 This commissioning is escalated as He again sends them out, now with all authority. In Mark 16:15-18 and Acts 1:8, this job keeps getting given out, and it is commissioned for all believers. In Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah hears the Lord looking for those he could send, and he says here am I send me. It should be our prayer that God would send people. That we are willing to be the people he sends to our family, coworkers, neighbors, cashiers, waiters… In Acts 4:29-31, The early church saw the need for the gospel, but they also saw the challenges and even threats to stop them, and their prayer was that God would fill them with boldness, and He did. Let our prayers be for God to move, to send laborers, and may we respond as Isaiah with, "Here I am, send me." May we pray for opportunities and eyes to see them. May we pray for boldness to witness, share, pray, and stand for Jesus. Here are some ways to pray:

  • Pray that men and women would be bold for Christ, letting His love shine through them, drawing others toward Him. (Acts 4:29-31)
  • Pray that we would each be willing to be the ones that God uses. (Isaiah 6:8)
  • God, in the places that I go, in the people that I see, use me. Show me who You want me to reach. Show me who You want me to help, show me how to be Your hands and feet. (2 Cor 5:20)
  • Pray for boldness and the filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8 & 4:29-31)
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to give us His gifts to meet the needs of others and show His love in the opportunities. (1 Cor. 12:7)
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Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite

We are taking 21 days to seek God first. Prayer is powerful! Prayer is a way that we can partner with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done. When we pray together, it draws us closer to God, bringing not only results but unity as we seek Him together.
