Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional预览

Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional



The third candle of Advent symbolizes Joy. As we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. The third candle takes us back to the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem, even before the wise men. On this third Sunday of Advent, which the Church calls “Gaudete Sunday,” meaning rejoice or praise, we light the third candle and rejoice like the shepherds.

How do we stay focused on Jesus this season? If you have one, make the nativity scene a prominent one in your home. If you don’t own one, you don’t need to buy an elaborate set; you can make a small manger with items around the house - which more closely mimics Jesus’ first crib anyway. A patch of cloth, a small box, anything you already have to set the scene. Or, paint the nativity figures on rocks. Start with Jesus and his parents and add other figures in future years.

Prayer: If you’re struggling to find the words for prayer, this Advent prayer from Henri J.M. Nouwen encapsulates what many of us feel and hope for during the Advent season:

Lord Jesus, Master of both light and darkness,

Send your Holy Spirit upon our preparation for Christmas.

We, who have so much to do, seek quiet spaces to hear Your voice daily.

We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.

We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of Your Kingdom.

We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of Your presence.

We are Your people, walking in darkness yet seeking the light.

To You, we say, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

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Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional

Our Advent plan is guided by the lyrics of “Joy to The World." The phrase "heaven and nature sing" serves as a reminder that the Lord is coming! This carol was inspired by Psalm 98 and emphasizes the reasons for our celebration. We provide a devotional and reflection that starts each Sunday – all in anticipation of celebrating the arrival of Jesus and His triumphant return.
