Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional预览

Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional



“May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women.” – Pope Francis

We lined up against the church’s inside walls, the pews full of those who came to hear our concert. After performing on stage, we moved to surround the audience for our final song. They waited, unsure of what we were doing, some feeling awkward at our closeness. Our director allowed the silence to sit among us all, and then, one note hung in the air. He took a breath, raised his arms, and we sang, "Peace, peace, peace on earth and goodwill to all. This is a time for love. This is a time for joy. Now let us all sing together of peace, peace, peace on earth.” It never failed to inspire awe and reverence. Harmonized voices singing acapella and the sanctuary's acoustics all combined to make us feel safe and calm while turning our hearts and thoughts heavenward.

Oh, if only that feeling of peace could endure. Outside those walls, harsh realities wait for us. For some of us more than others, to be sure, as we battle with sickness, trauma, and pain. Perhaps we are in a season of personal joy but recall seasons when things were different, or we fear for the future when things may turn for the worse.

Shining through all that is Christ’s peace, and because of that, we can face our lives with “the unshakable sureness that the Lord will come, to set our life in God’s order.” (Alfred Delp) The world today needs people who, though shaken by the world’s hardships, have emerged with the surety and confidence that the Lord preserved them. Any one of us can look back at times of trial and see how His hand gripped them.

Recalling his faithfulness gives us peace, and it expands when we share that peace with others. One man recently told me how he saw God's protection in his darkest days. I recalled a similar story. Together, we affirmed the Lord's presence and peace as we live with those stories, having them within us to remind us of his promises.

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Heaven and Nature Sing - Advent Devotional

Our Advent plan is guided by the lyrics of “Joy to The World." The phrase "heaven and nature sing" serves as a reminder that the Lord is coming! This carol was inspired by Psalm 98 and emphasizes the reasons for our celebration. We provide a devotional and reflection that starts each Sunday – all in anticipation of celebrating the arrival of Jesus and His triumphant return.
