Sealed - Part 1预览

Sealed - Part 1


Day 4: A Heart Sealed by Love

A firewall is a device that prevents some malicious Internet traffic from entering a computer network. Almost every computer has a firewall. It protects and defends what's inside the machine from what's happening outside. The Seal of God is like this wall of fire, which blocks and burns the evil that tries to enter the heart. The Seal of Fire is the proof of ownership and the Shield of Protection in the heart of the Bride of Christ.

This Seal of Fire over the heart was given to us as a command to Moses in the First Commandment of the Tablets of the Law to be the priority of life:

"You will have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:2–3)

Jesus later explains this Seal - which gives identity - as a Seal of protection and property to the human heart, in the greatest Commandment above all issues of life:

"'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:30)

The desire to love God with all our hearts does not begin with us. This Love is an expression of the reality of the Kingdom that existed long before the world's creation. From eternity past, God has Loved humanity with all His Heart.

Moments before Jesus proved this Love by dying for us on the Cross, He prayed that the Love with which the Father Loved Jesus would be marked in a supernatural way in human beings. The same quality of Love the Father has for His Son is divinely bestowed upon us, in part in this age and in fullness in the age to come.

When Jesus prays for His Eternal Companion, His Bride, He says to the Father: "May She love Me with the love with which the Father loves Me. Imprint it on Her in the same way that the Father loves me supernaturally."

That is the level of this Fiery Love Seal. The same Love with which the Father Loves the Son is the Love of the Fiery Seal that has Power over the human heart.

My Prayer:

Father God, help me to love You the way You Love me - with all Your Heart and Strength, even in my weakness. Search my mind and emotions so they agree with Your Heart in a supernatural way. I know this will happen fully in eternity, but it will happen in part in this era in my life. Holy Spirit, teach me to love God first, with all my heart, with all my strength, and with all my mind. Today, show me how to protect my heart with this Seal of Fire in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Sealed - Part 1

Song of Songs speaks of the spiritual truths of the relationship between King Jesus and His Bride, the Church - the most epic Love Story. The Bride's journey begins with a cry for the kisses from the Word of God and ends with a Seal of Fire on Her heart. Song of Songs 8:6, the culmination of this Song, talks about the Seal on those who desire maturity in God.
