Sealed - Part 1预览

Sealed - Part 1


Day 1: The Seal

A seal is a metal or stone instrument with an individual design stamped into a ring or pendant. Ancient seals were often impressed in wax or clay, inlaid with their guarantor's personalized imprint, and affixed to objects or legal documents. The most important use of seals in ancient times was to provide proof of authenticity and authority to letters, much like a modern signature, when the art of writing was known only to a few. A king's seal spoke of his guarantee. All the power of his kingdom backed up what was sealed.

In this love story from the book of Song of Songs, the bride goes through an intense and dramatic journey of being captivated, separated, broken, and matured to be the King's partner. At this point in her journey, in Song of Songs 8:6, she is no longer new to her relationship with Him. She has already gone through many phases, discoveries, amazement, high and low places, blown by the winds of trials, desperate searches for her Beloved, persecution, contempt, and mistreatment by others in the Kingdom. Now she comes from a time in the desert with many questions, where her life was so incredibly challenged that she had no choice but to trust and come out leaning on her Beloved, embraced by His arms. She no longer relies on her own understanding or trusts in her own righteousness but only in His Strength, the Lord of all Righteousness and Holiness.

This is a woman who has grown in her knowledge of love. She knows how to rest in the security and trust of her Bridegroom. There is no fear or doubt in His Love. The certainty of belonging imprints on her a Mark that gives her access, like a badge, to the living and Supernatural World of the Groom, which is demarcated by high and robust fences of Love. In this place, her mind is no longer afraid and is open to possibilities. Creativity flourishes. Shame and embarrassment are not obstacles. There, where she belongs, she yearns for new knowledge, like food when hungry and water when thirsty.

This Seal protects her. This Seal identifies her. This Seal includes her. This Seal sustains her. This Seal connects her. This Seal changes everything.

And the King's Seal upon her is backed by all of His Kingdom.

My Prayer:

Father, thank You so much for sealing me with the Seal of Your Son and Your Love. Thank You for the tribulations I went through and the ones I am facing now. Use them to prove that nothing in this life or after can tear me away from Your Love, which is as strong as death and from which I never want to escape. I am marked forever with Your Seal of Love and Truth. Today, I say once again: I belong to You. Jesus is my Lord! And I give thanks for Your Mark on me. With this Seal, I can live a life of Supernatural Faith in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus, Amen.
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Sealed - Part 1

Song of Songs speaks of the spiritual truths of the relationship between King Jesus and His Bride, the Church - the most epic Love Story. The Bride's journey begins with a cry for the kisses from the Word of God and ends with a Seal of Fire on Her heart. Song of Songs 8:6, the culmination of this Song, talks about the Seal on those who desire maturity in God.
