Table of Context预览

Table of Context


Have you ever gotten so hungry that you become hangry? Like this rage that will only be satisfied by raiding the fridge. We aren’t satisfied until our appetite is met. Just like our physical needs for food and water, we also have an emotional appetite and emotional needs we want to be met. We crave things like acceptance, significance, worthiness, and love. And when we’re wanting those things, we tend to run to anything and everything to fulfill them. But Jesus says when we go to Him, He can provide everything our soul will ever need. Jesus, God in a human body, is Who can provide everything we’re longing for at the core of who we are—purpose, love, meaning, and so much more!

Today, try to identify what needs in your life you’re trying to satisfy apart from Jesus. Think about where you turn for fulfillment and why. And then, go to Jesus. Take a step to begin to go to Jesus with those needs. Even though life won’t automatically be easy, Jesus promises to give you life and life to the full (John 10:10)!

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Table of Context

For many, the Bible just seems to cause more confusion than clarity. As a teenager, you’re already in a phase of asking questions, expressing doubts, and wrestling with the idea of faith. So, how can you begin to make sense of the Bible and its context? This 4-week devotional will help you understand how the ancient words of the Bible connect to your modern, everyday life.
