Table of Context预览

Table of Context


Did you know the Earth travels 67,000 mph around the sun? And that the sun is just one of at least 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone? And beyond that, there are an estimated 100-200 billion other galaxies. What’s the point of all these facts? Well, it is pretty awesome that the very same God who created all of that, designed and loves you, too. Let that sink in for a moment. God created every piece of the universe and the world around us. God is big. God is powerful. And still, God loves each one of us individually. It can be comforting to know that while God has all this in control, God holds a special place just for you.

Today, look up a YouTube video of our galaxy or even some of the natural wonders here on Earth. Take time to reflect on what it means to you that God created everything and still cares for you personally.

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Table of Context

For many, the Bible just seems to cause more confusion than clarity. As a teenager, you’re already in a phase of asking questions, expressing doubts, and wrestling with the idea of faith. So, how can you begin to make sense of the Bible and its context? This 4-week devotional will help you understand how the ancient words of the Bible connect to your modern, everyday life.
