Come and See预览

Over the course of creation, countless ideas have been exchanged concerning the subject
of God. Nations have been built, families raised, and individuals shaped by perceptions of who
God is. Existing eternally, He has remained the same throughout the changing times of our
world. Yet, people are quick to define Him based on cultural beliefs and personal viewpoints.
But who is God really, and what is He like?
33 years paint quite a picture. The mission of Christ was not limited only to the cross.
Rather, it began on a starry night in a stable when God humbled Himself by taking on the
likeness of man. From that first gasp of a newborn infant to the last gasp on the cross, God made
Himself known. He was the child with astonishing wisdom, the healer who had compassion on
the sick, the teacher who never grew impatient, the voice of truth who stood against sin, the servant washing feet, and the widely descriptive “I AM.” Now, very soon to leave the world, He
was the man of prayer looking up to His Father in heaven.
As death loomed ahead, Jesus didn’t ask for comfort or safety. Instead, He prayed the
theme of His life: “Glorify your Son, so that your Son may glorify you.” His work had been to
reveal the name of God, and He was devoted to this mission in life and in death.
This divine conversation is a beautiful display of a God who is incredibly relational. The
Father and the Son are one, and forefront on Christ’s mind was that His followers would
experience this same thing. Through His sacrifice, we are united with God, and through His
prayer, we see that we are also to be united with each other.
The life of Jesus constantly revealed the glory of God. His Church is called to this same
mission: To reflect Him to a searching world. However, we cannot do this if there is bitterness,
division, and constant attacks on each other. The world is watching. Let peace and unity be the
reputation of His Church. With one heart and mind, let us glorify Him together.
Read John 17
Plan to go to a candlelight Christmas eve service. This is a wonderful time to focus on
the meaning of Christmas while glorifying God together with His Church.

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.